As many of you are well aware, Absolved was officially released by ELectio Publishing this past Tuesday. I had been anticipating that day for months and it came quickly. I felt excited, of course, but had an even more overwhelming feeling of relief. I know it might sound silly, but I spent a lot of time before the release just being nervous. Don’t get me wrong…I wanted this. It’s a dream come true to be published. But the anticipation of the book I wrote being out there for anyone to read mostly just scared me. And then the day came. Like every other day, it began with feeding my kids breakfast. Like every other day, I sat down with coffee, said a morning prayer, read the daily mass readings. And then I posted some links to where the book is available on facebook and twitter. My husband was sweet enough to take the day off, just because it was my release day. We took our two old...
Perhaps I seek accountability, or an occasional word of encouragement. Or both. I am going to tell others of the process of my books coming to be. I always said as a little girl that one day I would be a writer. My one day is now.