I was talking to a family member earlier about how badly I used to let other’s negative opinions of my family size get to me. I told her that only recently have I woken up and realized what a waste of time it was to ever let it affect me at all…because the bottom line is that we’re happy. We love our kids. We know how blessed we are. And the kids are happy too. I told her that one of the arguments I’ve heard against us having a large family is that “it’s too hard.” This always baffles me how this can be an argument against something. Aren’t the best things in life “hard”? Seriously. If people gave up when something got hard, no one would finish school. Run a marathon. Start a business. Get married. This list could go on and on. Personally, if I was afraid of “hard”, I would have never joined the Navy, and I would have missed out on so much. As hard as it was to leave home at 19 to go to ...
Perhaps I seek accountability, or an occasional word of encouragement. Or both. I am going to tell others of the process of my books coming to be. I always said as a little girl that one day I would be a writer. My one day is now.