One of these days I’ll
have a better looking blog. I’ll also
add to it more frequently. I’m quite
sure of this, however I cannot say exactly how much more time will pass before
these things happen. Just letting anyone
reading know that I am aware of the fact that I need to work on the said items,
and then some.
But, you know, busy.
Five kids busy. Five kids under the age of six busy. With school, pre-school, t-ball, soccer,
religious education, husband is a cop that works all.the.time. busy. ALL GOOD THINGS however. I need to point out that despite the busy,
we’re happy and grateful for these things that take up our time. I’ll say it again and again, I’m blessed and
I know it.
Oh, but I do really
want to finish my second book. I also
want to pursue getting it published.
Which in reality is silly, because I never market the first book I had
published. What is with that? Makes no sense, but I have the toughest time
telling people about the book. I get all
shy and weird. Can another author that
is crazy like me please explain this? I simply do not understand. But the desire to write is there, I can’t
deny that. So despite the busy, I want
to make this happen, and believe I can.
I want to finish ‘The Consequence’ and get it out there. I have an idea for my third book, and for my
fourth. I get excited thinking about
them. My prayer is I’ll look back on
this little blog in a couple of decades and thank my busy-with-little-kids self
for not giving up because I’ll have at least a few published books out
In the meantime, anyone
know of a professional that can market my book for free? Or another that can re-design my blog for
free? No? Thought I’d ask, just in case. J
Until next time…
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