So....I don't know how to start this one. It's hard because there are certain people in my life that are going to find out about our newest addition via social media, which is never the ideal way of finding out big news. But I'm choosing this as my way. Those in our lives that see us regularly know already that we're having our sixth baby this summer. Some that don't see us regularly have no idea. I received some negative reactions to my pregnancy with Barrett, and I just never had a moment when I felt ready to face hearing those again. So I've waited. I prayed about it, gave it up to God, and here I am. Announcing this in a blog post. It's unfortunate that I feared other's reactions to a new baby, but I did. It's my family. It isn't easy to hear comments about how I should've prevented some of my children. It hurts, it really does. So here is the story this time. It's different than the others. I had zero sympto...
Perhaps I seek accountability, or an occasional word of encouragement. Or both. I am going to tell others of the process of my books coming to be. I always said as a little girl that one day I would be a writer. My one day is now.