What you will learn about the Bravo 400’s shift as you read “Final
42” is that they are a close-knit shift. A big contributing factor as to why
they’re so tight is because they are led by two men who are not only good
leaders, but who respect and genuinely like one another.
Sergeant Gabe Torres is the man in charge. Sarge is a
retired Navy Gunner’s Mate, ‘an old salty dog’, some may call him. He retired
just before 9/11/2001 and joined the Corpus Christi Police Department because
he wasn’t finished serving. Sarge is a serious man, an intimidating man, but
his kind eyes give hints to the integrity behind them. He and his wife, Eva, are parents to two
adopted daughters – Victoria and Veronica, now college students attending the same university.
Sarge leads his shift in the same manner he did as a supervisor in his Navy
days, trusting the man below him, never micro-managing or looking over his
officer’s shoulders. Sarge is often quiet and sometimes unreadable, but the shift respects him and likes working for him.
Corporal Jared Harris is jokingly called ‘The Cool Corporal’,
because of his ‘cool as a cucumber’ approach to police work and calls. He never
loses his composure, never shows emotion even on the worst of calls he has to
deal with. He loves his job, but sometimes imagines a different life as his
wife, Becca, hates his chosen profession.
He and Becca, an elementary school teacher, share one son – Max, who is
seven-years-old and in the 2nd grade.
For a short-lived time, the Bravo 400’s shift was near
perfect, under the supervision of these two.
Of course, things change. Learn what happens to Sarge and Corporal when
you get your copy of “Final 42”, set to be released on February 27th!
Be on the lookout for my next character intros. I’ll be
telling you all about the single members of the Bravo 400’s.
Until next time . . .
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