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Thank you, Disney, for Frozen.

We recently became the owners of the Frozen DVD, thanks to my Mom.  Cute movie for sure, but my girls are a bit obsessed with it.  They want to watch it daily…and I’m just going to go ahead and admit that I’ve been allowing it. 

Frozen is on as I write this blog.  Frozen was on yesterday as I added a little over 1,000 words to my new book.  Also, Frozen allowed a nap the other day while my youngest napped.  The girls get so wrapped up in the movie, they have no requests for me!

They aren’t in a complete state of neglect, so please do not worry about them.  They’ve also still had playground, library and pre-school time this week.  I just had to share my appreciation for the breaks this movie has given me.  They are especially nice as I approach my 32nd week of pregnancy and am more and more tired.

32 weeks already? Yes, on Monday.  This pregnancy has flown by.  I am very ready to meet our new little guy and can’t wait to breathe in that new baby smell again.  It never gets old.

Oh, and something else is approaching, even before the birth of our fifth.  MY BOOK RELEASE.  I’m still a little in disbelief that I’m almost officially a published author.  I recently saw my cover art for the first time and I can’t exactly describe how it felt to see a book cover with my name on it.  I am really excited.  Oh, and the cover art has a few small changes still but I will share it with you all as soon as it is finalized. 

I need to also mention how good it feels to have friends around who want to help me with my book release.  I have a group of amazing women around me, who are all busy mothers themselves, who are here for me, coming up with marketing ideas and sharing my facebook author page.  You ladies know who you are!  One of these days I will figure out how to properly thank you for all that you do. 

Good things are happening, that is for certain.  I’m thanking God several times a day for the many blessings in my life.

Until next time…



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