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Showing posts from 2015

Oh yeah, I am writing a second book. Just slowly.

Last time I updated my blog I was announcing my pregnancy.  Now I write this as I nurse my sweet two week old daughter Marian Grace. Let me tell you, she is an angel baby. We're all completely in love with her. What prompted me to write tonight was the recent questions from family regarding my book.  I've had a second book in progress for almost two years now.  It is VERY different from my first.  I'm still excited about it and I still know I'll finish writing it. I also know I'll pursue publication again.  Oh, but when those things will happen?  Totally cannot answer that at the moment. Obviously I'm busy with my children.  It doesn't mean I'm letting writing go, or I want to write any less.  I just understand that while I can always return to my writing, I will not always be able to return to this time with them.  If I've learned anything at all in six and a half years of parenting it is this - time moves quickly.  They're ...

Announcing baby #6

So....I don't know how to start this one.   It's hard because there are certain people in my life that are going to find out about our newest addition via social media, which is never the ideal way of finding out big news.   But I'm choosing this as my way. Those in our lives that see us regularly know already that we're having our sixth baby this summer. Some that don't see us regularly have no idea.   I received some negative reactions to my pregnancy with Barrett, and I just never had a moment when I felt ready to face hearing those again. So I've waited.   I prayed about it, gave it up to God, and here I am. Announcing this in a blog post. It's unfortunate that I feared other's reactions to a new baby, but I did.   It's my family. It isn't easy to hear comments about how I should've prevented some of my children. It hurts, it really does. So here is the story this time. It's different than the others. I had zero sympto...

Six ways Navy boot camp is like mothering small children

Navy Boot Camp, 2003 Michael and I as brand new exhausted parents, 2009 It was a sunny, warm day at the DFW airport in Dallas when I left for the Navy.   Arriving at Great Lakes, Illinois that night and seeing ice on the ground was a bit of a shock. I still remember how nervous I was, but strangely excited at the same time to be joining the military.   It was something so much bigger than me and I knew even at the young age of 19 I was where I was supposed to be at the time. It felt scary, but right. Little did I know at the time how much that eight weeks of boot camp would prepare me for a journey I’d begin six years later…motherhood.   Oh yes.   Navy boot camp can actually be compared to parenting babies and toddlers.   Surprised?   I can explain.   This is a list of six of the ways Navy boot camp is like mothering small children. 1.          You have to eat really, really fast.  ...