One of these days I’ll have a better looking blog. I’ll also add to it more frequently. I’m quite sure of this, however I cannot say exactly how much more time will pass before these things happen. Just letting anyone reading know that I am aware of the fact that I need to work on the said items, and then some. But, you know, busy. Five kids busy. Five kids under the age of six busy. With school, pre-school, t-ball, soccer, religious education, husband is a cop that works all.the.time. busy. ALL GOOD THINGS however. I need to point out that despite the busy, we’re happy and grateful for these things that take up our time. I’ll say it again and again, I’m blessed and I know it. Oh, but I do really want to finish my second book. I also want to pursue getting it published. Which in reality is silly, because I never market the first book I had published. What is with that? Makes no sense, but I have the toughes...
Perhaps I seek accountability, or an occasional word of encouragement. Or both. I am going to tell others of the process of my books coming to be. I always said as a little girl that one day I would be a writer. My one day is now.